Monday, 25 June 2007

Yellow = Cheap

This morning I have meeting with Mark Jensen, International Trainee from DK. Ake should give introduction to him but unfortunately he must going aboard. Then he ask me to give Administration Division brief. The brief only take 15 minutes, but we spent more than that..We also talked about Indonesia culture..Mark was very enthusiast when he take BEcak..he said the cost is very Cheap...Kasian si abang becak pasti ngos2xan genjot wong yg naik segede itu...:)

When I explained about BMW operator training, the slide shown that the training shirt is on combination yellow & black colour.
Here is our conversation :

mark : "is that mean that they (operator) are cheaper"?

iae : What ???#!*$!! maksoed loe ?

mark : See the operator clothes ? Yellow and black. In DK that colours means cheap. When you go to the
hypermart.They use yellow color to describe that the price is cheap..

iae : Mikir *)>iya juga siih di supermarket Indo juga gitu, cuma selama ini gak 'Ngeh' aja

iae : We used yellow shirt it doesn't mean that they are cheaper, Totally wrong. We used that colour only for eye
catching clothes. We expect that they are easy to find when they have activities in the forest...

mark : ooo...I see....


Tak ada orang lain yang bisa diminta pertanggungjawabannya. Putuskan apa yang kauinginkan dan berusahalah untuk menjadikannya kenyataan.

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Cah sawi and the gank

Liburan minggu sore abis bangun tidur kuterus lapar. Liat menu di dapur ada si pentol bakso bikinan mama and somay kayak tadi siang...mau makan lagi males..ntar tambah bulet pipiku kayak bakso...:)

Ngeliat dikulkas ada sawi, tomat..oke deh Let's Cooking..
Ayo kita kerjain si pentol jadi menu sehat yg lain.
Jadi deh aku di dapur nyiapin pentol
dan teman-temannya..

Karena resep dah apal diluar kepala, jadi aku bisa nyiapin sendiri tanpa bantuan si embak. Tinggal iris-iris, cemplung-cemplung, sreng-sreng..jadi deh..bagi yg lagi belajar masak, ini aku bagiin resepnya..gampang banget dijamin rasanya enak dan sehat coz aku gak pernah kasih vetsin atau penyedap rasa.

Pas udah jadi ternyata mas david juga lagi lapar, jadi deh 1 piring diabisin buat duo brother sister Irma-David.
Selagi anget dimakan ma nasi anget...Mak Nyus..tomatnya masih kerasa segarnya..Perfecto.

Bahan :

  • 2 ikat Sawi segar, potong sesuai selera
  • 1 buah Tomat
  • 1 butir telur, goreng orak-arik
  • Pentol bakso, iris dadu
  • Kaldu ayam (aku ambil dari kuah bakso)
  • Bawang merah+bawang putih, diiris kecil2x
  • Lombok kecil, diiris kecil2x
  • Gula & garam
Cara Membuat :
  • Oseng bawang putih+bawang merah+lombok di api kecil sampai baunya harum
  • Masukkan kuah kaldu ayam sampai mendidih, tambahkan gula dan garam sedikit
  • Masukkan sawi dan campur rata dengan bumbu, aduk-aduk
  • Masukkan bakso + telur + tomat
  • Masak hingga matang