Wednesday, 19 December 2007


2 years ago..In the early morning when I will go to my office by bus number 213
my mobile was ringing,
Interlocal phone from sidoarjo, I thought from my parents..
In the middle crowded pasengger I tried to understood the conversation..
It is calling from employer in sidoarjo..funny conversation in the

employer (E ): This is from XXX Indonesia
iae : (perusahaan apa ya...&^$#@!)
E : I sent you application form in your email, please fill up and sent it back
iae : oke, but how do you know my email address
Hening sesaat... no body answer..
employer : We have HR position which is you applied..
iae : oiyaaa..kan saya kirim cv ya..OMG..(Ooo...My God) So silly

1 weeks later ...
I have invitation to have 1st interview
I'm dressed for sucess (I thought)..Black blazer, miniskirt + black stocking, High
hell as well :)

So confidance in the begining but I shame a lot in the last conversation ..:(
This is the short quotation

E : You know the position you had applied..?
iae : Yes I know
E : You know we are manufacturing company..
iae : Yes
E : Look at your dressed, I know you are working in hospitality industry..but I think your dressed not suitable
This is saturday, we don't dress so formal..
(waktu itu interviewernya pake kaos berkrah)
iae : (mendadak stockingku basah karena keringat dingin)..
Iiihh..bawel lgan mene ketehe..baru kali ini ada interview pake dress code..

Until I back to jakarta I still remembered the interviewer statement..
3 days I could not sleep..he..he... then I decide to emaling him..
then he replies in the short answer..

1 week later I've got 2nd Interview ...I thought he is the HR manager..
White skin & cubby...young man..hmmmm this guy smile so warm..different with the guy I met in the begining :)
He give me question bout mathematics
9 plus 3 is..
9 times 5 is..
9 times 12 is..
Well eventhough I got A in statistic..I can't answer the question directly..
Then he give me another challenge
He write something in the paper and then ask me to analyze his personality..
Weleh..aku kan gak pernah belajar graphology..
This is interview looking for HR officer or kindergatten metodhe yg aneh..

Then a day after..I recieved a call from the 1st interviewer..he offering me a job..
We offer you a job..bla2x..please check your mail for detail offfering..
Ok thanks sir but I can't check now..I dont have internet access in my office..maybe tonight I will check..
I cant wait any longer you must decide it..My bos will go to swedia so if you interest with our offering you must decide as soon as posible or I can offer someone else ...
Ini orang kejem bener mau nawarin kerjaan..
Ok sir I will go to check your offering..
Berangkatlah aku siang bolong kewarnet naik angkot dgn alasan mau kebank
Setelah cek email aku langsung balik ke kantor..
Sampai kantor baru sadar kalo dompet and buku tabungan ketinggalan..
OMG..jadilah balik lagi naik angkot ke warnet lg..
Trus balik lagi ke kantor naik ojek..dgn baju basah kuyup berkeringat..

Then on 1st August I offically starting on that company
It is just little bit shock in the begining..
The guy who interviewed me in the begining sitting next to me..whhuuuuaaa takut......So Cool
I just realized that he is the HR manager..ha..ha..ha

He is messanger of the goodness
This article attribute to you..thank you for guidance..

Just want to memorize the blessing experience..and look at the mozaik I had collect

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Isinya apa..

Jenis dompet : Bahan kulit warna Merah maron, merek Dunhil modelnya sih kayak dompet cowok, pemberian salah satu temen yg dulu sekantor ma aku..hampir 1,5 taun aku pake kondisinya masih oks bgt.. dompet ini dulu pernah ngilang alhamdulillah balik lagi

Isi : duit secukupnya, atm, poto2 , sim A, kartu member, diatab (aku suka mensugesti diriku, kalo perut lg mules ngeliat obat ini langsung sembuh. Jadi udah hampir 1 taun obat itu didompetku tp aku g pernah minum.. :) and yg bikin dompet ini spesial yaitu tulisan doa dari sang guru..

hmm taun depan semoga isinya nambah ...aminnnn

Collecting the mozaik

3 minggu yg lalu kondisinya bener2x gantung..kayak lagunya melly guslow..:) well digantungin emang g enak..coz kapan saja yg kita diputus tanpa alasan yg jelas..My buddy said that "jangan pernah bergantung dengan manusia"..Good advice..
Aku gak akan cerita lebih detail tentang 3 mingguku,..I've choosen know..
thanks to God I've been suroounding..lovely friends who always support my choice..
Thousand millions Thank you for mama & papa who always support they daughter choice..
Mohon doa restunya yaa...